Read on below to see how it is conjugated in the 18 major Spanish tenses! Mode: Subjunctive, Spanish tense name: Subjuntivo imperfecto (Yes. The Indicative Informal Future of beber is used to talk about something that will happen in the future, especially in the near future. Soy Daniela Sanchez, Ive taught Spanish in Mexico to a wide array of foreigners. : correr muy rapido 15 Ustedes: escribir poemas 15 La clase: asistir el maestro 15 Los perros: comer muco 15 La clase y t: beber limonada 15 Mi familia: comer tacos 15 T y yo: escribir el alfabeto 15 Track your progress and get Smart Quizzes tailored to you. In Spanish, the Indicative Present Continuous is known as "El Presente Progresivo". For instance: Habra bebido ms, pero maana tengo que trabajar. In this post, you'll learn how . beber Se conjuga como: temer. Print - Export to Word. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning. For example: No beban agua de la llave. Ella Verbs is the top-rated Spanish conjugation mobile app, helping you to master arguably the most difficult part of learning Spanish. Beber (bveh- bvehr) (to drink) is a regular -er verb, so its conjugation is pretty straightforward. Conjugate the Spanish verb semicircularse: preterite, future, participle, present. Mode: Subjunctive, Spanish tense name: Subjuntivo futuro perfecto In English, the infinitive includes the word to. 30 seconds Report an issue Q. Learn to conjugate beber. (To be safe, don't drink until you lose consciousness. 4. Ellos beban, pero no mucho. (Yes. Four years [studying Spanish] and after just a couple of days with this app I finally am 'getting' the verb thing into my head. ), que yo beba, que t bebas, que usted/l/ella beba, que nosotros/as bebamos, que vosotros/as bebis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas beban (that I drink, that you drink, that she drink, etc. Spanish Verb Conjugation - beber Home. Creer is a basic -ER verb with stem changes in some past tenses. If youre going to master Spanish verbs like beber, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence). The Subjunctive Present is used to talk about situations of uncertainty, or emotions such as wishes, desires and hopes. ), bebe (t), no bebas (t), beba (usted), bebamos (nosotros/as), bebed (vosotros/as), no bebis (vosotros/as), beban (ustedes) (drink, don't drink, drink, let's drink, etc.). Get a printable list of the most common 250 Spanish verbs. Imperative.). I drink a lot of water every day. For example, "bebiere", meaning "I will drink". For example, "bebiera", meaning "I drank". (I think I will eat sushi every day. "En tu honor, beber la sangre de la virgen. Spanish verb Beber conjugated in all tenses, with quizzes, audio and English translations for all forms. On s'occupe de ceux qui violentent leurs femmes et enfants. Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type "conj beber" in your address bar for the fastest conjugations. (By 2050, 99 percent of the world's birds will have eaten pieces of plastic. Struggling with Spanish conjugation? The progressive tenses of beber convey that someone is drinking at the moment of speaking. I will drink with you this Saturday. saltar podee E. usted/el/ella conduct habee nosotros/as preder vosotros/as ustedes/ellos/ellas ell : Estos maltratan verbal y fsicamente a sus vctimas y se llevan todos sus ahorros. In Spanish, the Subjunctive Present is known as "El Presente de Subjuntivo". Here's what's included: Our Spanish verb conjugation tables have it all. - Me la beber toda. For example, "he bebido agua", meaning "I have drunk water". Espero que se hayan bebido su jugo. (Do you drink water every day? For instance: Por favor, beba ms agua. Vosotros is the informal second person plural (i.e., "you-all") used in Spain. Future. Conjugation of Beber. You know how to conjugate basic verbs in the present tense (such as beber, hablar, and escribir ), stem-changing verbs in the present conjugation Spanish (such as pedir, poder, and querer ), irregular verb conjugations in their 'yo' form (such as vengo for the verb venir ), and how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the past tense, the imperfect, and Making educational experiences better for everyone. Practice the conjugation and remember it forever. Note that this is very rarely used in Spanish. For example, "voy a beber agua", meaning "I am going to drink water". Imperfect subjunctive. Mi mam siempre beba dos tazas de caf. So, in this guide, Venir Conjugation 101: Conjugate Venir In Spanish. For example, "beber agua", meaning "I will drink water". Venir is an irregular verb in Spanish. Preterite 0/10 lessons Present 2.4. ), Los nios han comido, pero no recuerdo qu. The Indicative Past Perfect of beber is used to talk about actions that happened before another action in the past. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. - You drink from the bottle, I will drink after you. If youre going to master Spanish verbs like beber , you need to be","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"
Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. Similar verbs to beber include: tomar. 1. Conjugation. Here it is in the present tense: The following examples show you beber in action: Bebes agua todos los das? For example, "bebo agua", meaning "I drink water". )
\n \nS. beba - he/she drinks, you drink Subjunctive l/ella/usted conjugation of beber. If youre going to master Spanish verbs like beber, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence).
\nBeber (bveh-bvehr) (to drink) is a regular -er verb, so its conjugation is pretty straightforward. We do this when we want to highlight that someone drinks something or to stress the amount of beverages they have had. beber. Practice Beber (Conditional Perfect Tense) Conjugations Past Anterior Tense Spanish tense name: Pretrito anterior Mode: Indicative Practice Beber (Past Anterior Tense) Conjugations Present Subjunctive Tense Spanish tense name: Subjuntivo presente Mode: Subjunctive Practice Beber (Present Subjunctive Tense) Conjugations Imperfect Subjunctive Tense In Spanish, the Indicative Conditional is known as "El Condicional Simple". Bebo mucha agua todos los das. (Yes. In Spanish, the Imperative Negative is known as "El Imperativo Negativo". I drink a lot of water every day.). Plus lessons & quizzes to help you master Spanish conjugation. Beber conditional conjugations are used to talk about the beverages someone would drink. See Spanish conjugation rules. | no beber | female gender | beberse Tense name French | Spanish (Spain) | Spanish (America) | English. Volver: How to Conjugate the Spanish Verb, to Return, How To Conjugate Conducir and Other Spanish Verbs Ending in -ducir, Conjugation of Empezar and Comenzar in Spanish, Conjugation of the Spanish Conocer and Similar Verbs, Conjugation of 'Pedir,' 'Servir,' and 'Vestir', The 2 Forms of the Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish. Look up Spanish verb conjugations on SpanishDict and see examples in context, with Spanish and English translations. Beber conjugation pattern can help you understand how to conjugate regular -ER verbs. bebern Color Key Other Tenses / Moods of Beber Search Terms for This Conjugation beber conjugation future beber el futuro beber future tense spanish beber futuro In Spanish, the Indicative Present Perfect is known as "El Pretrito Perfecto". Have you tried it yet? Try our app! Ellos beban, pero no mucho. (Yes. Mode: Imperative. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. Va a beber Conjugation | Conjugate Beber in Spanish va a beber va a beber - he/she is going to drink, you are going to drink Informal future l/ella/usted conjugation of beber. The infinitive form of verb id the most basic form of verb. Beber - Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation | beber to drink, sip Present Subjunctive / Presente de Subjuntivo l / Ud. The following samples put the future tense to work: Bebers conmigo este fin de semana? SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. . Conjugate with SpanishDict and go beyond just looking up the verb. ), Creo que comer sushi todos los das. I drink a lot of water every day.) For example, "beba agua", meaning "I used to drink water". I will drink with you this Saturday. Present perfect. By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, bebiendo. Learn this and more for free with Live Lingua. Here it is in the present tense:
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConjugation | Translation |
yo bebo | I drink |
t bebes | You (informal) drink |
l/ella/ello/uno bebe | He/she/one drinks |
usted bebe | You (formal) drink |
nosotros bebemos | We drink |
vosotros bebis | You all (informal) drink |
ellos/ellas beben | They drink |
ustedes beben | You all (formal) drink |
The following examples show you beber in action:
\n- \n
Bebes agua todos los das? (Do you drink water every day? Take the beber conjugation practice quiz to test your knowledge of conjugating this -ER verb that is used in daily Spanish conversations. correr salir perder trabajar jugar comprar pensar venir beber pedir estudiar ir leer or ver cantar saber querer hablar tener pasar llegar poder empezar buscar seguir soar ser decir haber volver poner comer hacer dormir dar gustar traer estar . Linguasorb is free and ad supported, without ad revenue we can't exist. In this post, you'll learn how to conjugate the Spanish future perfect, when to use it, what it is, see a. Konjugation Verb beber auf Spanisch X Spanisch Konjugieren Werkzeugkiste: Tabellen Verben mit zwei Partizipien beber Infinitivo beber Gerundio bebiendo Participio Pasado bebido Vorlage : deber Hilfsverb : haber Andere Formen: beberse / no beber Werbung Indicativo Presente yo bebo t bebes l/ella/Ud. Mode: Indicative, Spanish tense name: Condicional ), S. Tell Me In Spanish ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to For example, "habr bebido agua", meaning "I will have drunk water". Learn vocabulary faster. beber Add to list to drink Dictionary Conjugation Examples Pronunciation Thesaurus View the conjugation for to drink. Spanish verbs Cheat Sheet Practice conjugating beber Participles Include vos Include vosotros Indicative of "beber" Want to Practice Conjugations? The following tables show you its preterit, imperfect, and future forms.
\n\nThe Preterit Tense of Beber\n Conjugation Translation yo beb I drank t bebiste You (informal) drank l/ella/ello/uno bebi He/she/one drank usted bebi You (formal) drank nosotros bebimos We drank vosotros bebisteis You all (informal) drank ellos/ellas bebieron They drank ustedes bebieron You all (formal) drank You use the preterit tense like this:
\n- \n
Bebieron ustedes vino en la fiesta? (Did you drink wine at the party? (Verbo es la palabra que indica, accin, existencia o estado.) ), yo beb, t bebiste, usted/l/ella bebi, nosotros/as bebimos, vosotros/as bebisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas bebieron (I drank, you drank, she drank, etc.
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